I listen to the yearning of my heart, the stirring of my soul.
I honor the impulses coming through me, trusting them, trusting myself.
Trusting my Eros.
I grow more intimate with the mystery, trusting her.
Loving her. Letting her hold me.
I open my senses to recognize the divine forces of the universe,
playing with me, conspiring for me, awakening me, loving me.
We’ve been flirting for some time.
Me and the universe.
Me and these divine forces.
And now I’m ready to dive deep into lovemaking. Divine lovemaking.
I’m ready to be taken by life. I give myself fully to her love.
I give myself fully to life as love.
And as I surrender into my feminine,
and she surrenders into life,
I experience myself being ravished by reality.
Firmly enveloped by spacetime.
Hugged, pressed, squeezed, twisted, stretched.
My body, my being, contorted in pleasure and intensity.
Shivering, vibrating, releasing the tension long stored within.
Letting go through long breathy moans.
And penetrated. Oh god, penetrated!
Penetrated by thrusts of life, of love. Of pleasure, of pain.
Filled up. Expanded.
Exploded into greater realities beyond the spacetime that holds me.
I wake up to the infinite. The infinite that I am beyond containment.
I die.
I die open.
I die into the everything and the nothing that I am.
And in the shining darkness, a bolt of aliveness strikes through.
I let it run straight through.
And through me, it penetrates reality.
I penetrate reality.
I fuck reality with my Eros.
I impregnate the universe with my love.
I ravenously spread my seed as life welcomes me in between her legs.
Her juicy wetness dripping all over me.
Turning me on.
Making me hard.
Beckoning me to explode in her.
Mmm seduction.
Thank God for this dance of seduction.
Thank God!
For this dance of seduction