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Partnership • Children • Evolution


I'm beckoning the Soul destined to be the Father of my children


Evolving humanity through raising children in a field of radical love

Living a new paradigm of family where we're all thriving and living the lives of our souls

​Serving the creation of more Epic Love in the world through our revolutionary familiy

I'm calling in the soul destined to be the father of my children

I pray to the souls of our children

I pray that they guide me to you

That they guide you to me


I pray that they guide us in birthing them

In supporting them as loving parents

In guiding them into their greatest Love, Freedom, and Empowerment


I pray that they guide us in birthing ourselves

Into the beings we’re destined to be

Steadfast beacons of Love, Freedom, and Empowerment


I pray that they guide the evolution of humanity

That humanity evolves itself through our family

Towards ever-greater Love, Freedom, and Empowerment​​​

Agency & Autonomy

We love the way we choose to love

We work the way we choose to work

We live the way we choose to live


Always at choice

Supporting one another's sovereignty

Trusting each other's yes's



built upon independence

NOT co-dependent


Our one true commitment

is to our souls,

our authenticity, our truth

Our Soul Familiy

We live the lives of our souls

Which inspires our children to do the same


Our soul missions are a part of our family

Our family is a part of our soul missions


Individually and together

We live as Love, Freedom, and Empowerment

Beloved, hear my call.

Let's Co-Evolve & Co-Create.

Family. Social impact.

A Legacy of Love & Consciousness.

Motherhood is My Mission

To get more of a sense of what it might look like to team up with me,

check out my vision for Our Children & Our Parenthood

Abundance, Resilience, Villages

Our Children as Teachers, Guides, Inspiration

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