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Sleepawake 2026

Summer 2026


Location TBD

Sleepawake is a 4-week residential immersive for 18-34-year-olds looking for transformation, deep connection, and community.

Sleepawake 2026
Sleepawake 2026

Summer 2026

Location TBD

You know there's more to life. So do we.

Sleepawake Camp is a living laboratory for wellbeing. Participants attend a monthlong retreat and dive deep into science, psychology, game-play, and ancient wisdom focused on authentic happiness and wholeness. Learn how to work with emotions and trust them as deep intelligence; how to work with stress patterns and resistances. Widen your perspective on yourself, your relationship with your thoughts, and the nature of awareness and consciousness -- all surrounded by deep community and gifted facilitators.

I’m honored to serve on our extraordinary facilitation team. It's my personal pleasure and delight to support campers with embodiment and sexuality -- trusting the intelligence and wisdom of their own bodies, and unlocking more aliveness and pleasure in their lives!

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