Sleepawake 2022
July 24th to Aug 22nd, 2022
|Big Island of Hawaii
Sleepawake is a 4-week residential immersive for 18-24-year-olds looking for transformation, deep connection, and community.

July 24th to Aug 22nd, 2022
Big Island of Hawaii
You know there's more to life. So do we.
Sleepawake Camp is a month-long laboratory and playground for 18-24 year olds to explore this human experience and learn to live thriving, joyous, and connected lives. The curriculum weaves science, psychology, game-play, and ancient wisdom to support embodiment, creative expression, working with emotions, deepening self-awareness, and more, in a community of practice — a bootcamp for the body, heart, and mind.
I’m honored to serve on our extraordinary facilitation team. It's my personal pleasure and delight to support campers with embodiment and sexuality -- trusting the intelligence and wisdom of their own bodies, and unlocking more aliveness and pleasure in their lives!
Learn more at