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Epic Love Initiation Journeys

Date & Location of our choosing



Potent transformational containers custom-tailored according to an individual’s needs and desires.

Epic Love Initiation Journeys
Epic Love Initiation Journeys

Date & Location of our choosing


Offered by Katara & Ohad Pele

We believe that our greatest gifts are born from our deepest wounds. Life cracks us so that the light of our Souls can shine through. On this journey, through becoming intimate with your unique challenges, we will create the conditions for you to claim your unique gifts and superpowers.

Supported by energy work, wisdom transmissions, powerful medicine journeys, and intimate eros ceremonies, you will confront the limitations that have been holding you back and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and evolution.

When love is present, all of the parts of us that are unloved come to be met and transformed by love. So expect to encounter different aspects of yourself, including repressed emotions, painful memories, and shadow aspects. Together, we will meet all that arises with love, acceptance, and grace. All will be welcomed with love, and as love.

By the end of the journey, you will have a deeper sense of connection with yourself, others, and the world, and an enhanced ability to radiate love in all aspects of your life.

Join us and deepen into your journey of awakening and transformation. Walk the path of Epic Love with us, to embody greater degrees of love, freedom, and empowerment.

Who we work with

We offer these journeys to individuals who inspire us. Epic Lovers who are well positioned and well resourced to create positive change in the world. We select for conscious, open-hearted, socially-minded humans — the change-makers, illuminators, pioneers, and frontier-pushers. Individuals committed to their own personal evolution, as well as the evolution of humanity.

Due to the illuminating and transformative qualities of Epic Love Initiation Journeys, we are most excited to offer them to those on a deep Soul quest to courageously live their true purpose.

This work is well suited to support gifted individuals in

  • clarifying their Soul’s mission and living it more fully

  • navigating periods of major transition (crisis, death, loss, destruction, heartbreak)

  • rebirthing themselves into a more pure expression of their essence as Love, Freedom, and Empowerment

  • overcoming stuckness and catalyzing the flow of creative life force energy in service of the their highest purpose

  • deepening their commitment to being an instrument of Divine Love, Freedom, and Empowerment

We are here to lovingly amplify key influencers. People who will embody Epic Love, transmitting it to their communities and infusing it into their creations. People who invest their time, life force energy, and resources in promoting love, freedom, and empowerment.

Epic Love Donations

Just as the nature of love is inherently non-transactional, Epic Love Initiation Journeys are non-transactional offerings. We do this sacred work as an expression of love to those who inspire us. And we welcome generous donations to the Epic Love Foundation from those who benefit from it, so that we may create Epic Love resources that may benefit the masses.

Donations are directly in service of creating a world with more Love, Freedom, and Empowerment. Among other things, they will be used to create freely available, high-quality conscious media and educational resources to support Epic Love in the world.

We are able to accept tax-deductible donations in partnership with the Center for World Philosophy and Religion, through their 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

If you feel called, reach out and tell us what you're wanting to explore...



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